The CR Spirits “Studio” Dance Teams!
These three dance teams would be getting ready for the Spirit Show in 2023. The girls meet once a week for dance practice. The Tiny Spirits dance class is 30 minutes, where the Li’l & Junior Spirits dance class is one hour. During that time they learn their Spirit Show Routines, they learn about each other and they begin to build their confidence and find what it takes to put on a Spirit Show.
Crystal Kuehl-Barnett is the instructor for each team. She is outgoing, she is positive and teaches the girls dance along with how important your character is.
Tiffany Saari-Kuehl, choreographs each dance routine for each team, she works closely with Crystal and together they show how important team work is.
We would like to take a moment and thank their parents/guardians for their support and we hope you enjoy watching them on that stage in March of 2023.
CR Tiny Spirits

And though she be but Little, she is Fierce ~Shakespeare
Meet Our Tiny Spirits ages 3-7. They laugh, they practice, they listen and all they want to do is have fun, what a perfect place to do that. You girls will make memories in February, the fear of being on Stage you will conquer and your confidence will soar. ~Tiffany & Crystal
Tiny Spirits Class Times:
CR Li’l Spirits

I am unique. I am special. I am me. Meet our Li’l Spirits ages 8-12. They are learning who they are, what they love in life and that it takes hard work to put on a Spirit Show. Looking forward to watching these young girls show off all their hard work on that Stage. We are proud of you! ~Tiffany & Crystal
Li’l Spirits Class Times:
CR Junior Spirits

“Don’t change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you”. ~author unkown
Meet the Junior Spirits ages 13-17! They are excited to perform at the Spirit Show! They’re juggling school, extracurricular activities, family, friend, jobs and dance! Look at these goal setters! Girls, you have your whole life ahead of you, enjoy this moment! ~Tiffany & Crystal
Junior Spirits Class Times: