Name: Tiffany Saari-Kuehl
Birthday: February 26, 1970
Years on Team: 29 years
Occupation: Mom & Owner/Choreographer of the CR Spirits
Married: 31 years to Rodney, July 28th, 1990.
Children: Three beautiful daughters, Crystal (29), Courtney (26) & Cassidy (25)
What would you say to your younger self? At first I think “Don’t Settle” then I jump to “Slow Down” but now I think “Remember God”.
What is a favorite memory of your mom? Cruising 1st avenue back in the day, the concerts we have attended, our Vegas trips, but I think the advice she has given me about life. The mother and grandmother that she is, is so inspiring.
What is a favorite memory of your dad? My dad teaching me to drive a car, a stick. And when he drove me to school for tryouts for poms. Something I never thought I would do. His advice on that car ride was from his heart, I could tell he was proud that I was trying something new & it didn’t matter if I didn’t make it, it was the fact I was trying.
What are you thankful for? I am thankful for “Time”. The “time” for me to grow up and see the blessings I have. The “time” I have had with my daughter fighting this horrible cancer. The “time” I had before my father passed. We forget that “Time” is a beautiful gift, and we never know how much we have of it.
One Word that Describes You: Forgiving
2 Interesting Facts about You:
1.) By the time I was 12, I moved about 14 times and I had gone to 5 different schools. The blessing, I learned to meet people.
2.) In high school I wrote in my personal senior class book on the last day of school, that I would be married, have daughters and have my own Professional Dance Team. Crazy to think, because I have had no prior dance training. And if the tables were turned and my daughters were telling me what their goals were, with no prior training, I must admit I would have to question if it would work. I am sure my teachers did too. But for some reason I listened to my inner voice, I believed in it. And God has blessed me.
Finish this statement: I am most proud of… the mother that I am, the woman I have become on a journey that has not been easy. Being kind, thoughtful and hopeful takes you so much further spiritually.